Legacy Bible Church is a mission church as professed in its mission statement.
LBC will remember that the Great Commission is to make disciples of all nations.
LBC will be involved in reaching people for Christ locally, nationally and globally.
LBC will be part of the process of presenting every person mature in Christ.
Legacy Bible Church is a mission church as professed in its mission statement.
LBC will remember that the Great Commission is to make disciples of all nations.
LBC will be involved in reaching people for Christ locally, nationally and globally.
LBC will be part of the process of presenting every person mature in Christ.
Matthew 28:18-20, Colossians 1:28
Currently Legacy Bible Church supports missions
in Ukraine, Romania, Liberia, South Africa,
Thailand, Columbia, Cuba, New Guinea and Tunisia.

Coursey Family in Shang My Thailand

South African orphans in church

Pastor Marius in Romania

Barry Jordan in Papua New Guinea

Romanian Teen with pastor Sergiu

Legacy Bible Church member, Lydia, sharing in Indian Church

ELWA in Liberia distributes radios and the Gospel is heard in native languages.

Romanian truck being loaded to head to Ukraine with desperately needed aid.

Handicapped residents in Romania learning about God's Word and love.

Missionary in Columbia sharing the Gospel on the street.

Elderly Ukrainian lady received much needed supplies with a Gospel radio.

Ukrainian Refugee dinner at Mana Deschisa, Romanian ministry campus.

New believers in Thailand worshiping the Lord and baptizing in the river.

Christian ministry to disadvantaged women in Romania

Disciples graduating from Christian training in New Guinea

Ukrainian Women who have received Christ were recently baptized.

Horizon International ministry to orphaned and disadvantaged children in South Africa

Ministering to a "roof top" church in Cuba