Order of Worship
Prelude – Medley of Praise to the Almighty
                                           arr. Camp Kirkland       Dr. Kunda
Legacy Orchestra
Welcome                                           Dr. Kunda
Call to Worship – O Worship the King
                                           arr. Bradley Knight                    
Legacy Choir and Orchestra
Praise to the Lord the Almighty                   Hymn
Invocation                             Pastor Jake Finney      
Anthem – All Creatures of Our God and King
                                             arr. Gary Rhodes
Legacy Choir and Orchestra
The Power of the Cross                             Hymn
Communion                                       Dr. Kunda      
Worship Through Giving
Offertory – A Celebration of the Church
Legacy Choir, Orchestra, and Congregation
Children K-5 – children’s message (11:00 only)
Parents, pick up children at kitchen table in nook after service
Message                                           Dr. Kunda
        Matthew 16:13-26—I Will Build My Church
We Are God’s People                                 Hymn
Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation             Hymn
Closing and Benediction                       Dr. Kunda                              Dr. Kunda
Postlude – Toccata in E minor  by Johann Pachebel
Joy Caldwell, Organ