Legacy Bible Church Survey

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. Your feedback is essential in helping us understand your experiences and perspectives regarding Legacy Bible Church. This survey is designed to gather insights that will guide improvements in our church community, worship experience, and outreach efforts. Please answer each question honestly; other than the survey administrator, your responses will remain confidential. We appreciate your participation!

Please indicate your level of agreement with each statement using the scale below:

1 = Strongly Disagree
2 = Disagree
3 = Somewhat Disagree
4 = Neutral
5 = Somewhat Agree
6 = Agree
7 = Strongly Agree

When considering questions that ask for a numerical response, use the cursor to scroll down the white space until the number you have chosen appears
1. I was initially attracted to Legacy Bible Church because of its sermons.
2. I was initially attracted to Legacy Bible Church because of its community and fellowship.
3. I was initially attracted to Legacy Bible Church because of its worship style.
4. The sermons at Legacy Bible Church are engaging and meaningful.
5. The sermons at Legacy Bible Church provide practical guidance for daily life.
6. The community aspect of Legacy Bible Church is important to me.
7. I feel a strong sense of belonging at Legacy Bible Church.
8. The worship style at Legacy Bible Church enhances my worship experience.
9. Legacy Bible Church could attract more people aged 18-45 by offering more social events.
10. Legacy Bible Church could attract more people aged 18-45 by modernizing its worship style.
11. Legacy Bible Church could attract more people aged 18-45 by enhancing its online presence (website, social media, livestreams).
12. Social events at church play an important role in my decision to attend regularly.
13. A church’s online presence (website, social media) is an important factor in my engagement.
14. I would recommend Legacy Bible Church to my peers.
15. I believe people aged 18-45 are not attending Legacy Bible Church because they are not aware of what the church offers.
16. I believe people aged 18-45 may not attend Legacy Bible Church because they prefer a more contemporary church worship experience.
17. I believe people aged 18-45 may not attend Legacy Bible Church because they prefer more topical, theme-related sermons.
18. There are aspects of Legacy Bible Church that I find unappealing.
19. I believe Legacy Bible Church is welcoming to newcomers.
20. I believe Legacy Bible Church addresses contemporary issues in ways that resonate with attendees.
21. The preaching at Legacy Bible Church resonates with people aged 18-45.

Thank you very much for completing this survey! Your feedback is valuable in helping us better serve our congregation and our community.