WELCOME to Legacy Bible Church!  If you are looking for time-honored (traditional) worship and a church that faithfully teaches the Bible as the Word of God, you are in the right place.  Invite your friends and neighbors!
COME TO WORSHIP: Please silence your cell phone, and do not bring food or drink into the worship service

PRAYING CHURCH: Email confidential prayer requests   to or submit a prayer card located in the Connection Room. Requests to be on the prayer chain can also be sent to or online at Include your name and email address. Questions?  Call Pat Moss, 317-691-5970.

NOTE FROM PASTOR KEITH: Happy anniversary, Legacy family! It would be impossible to recount all of God’s blessings over the past decade, but most of all I’m thankful for all the wonderful people who have served selflessly, who have given sacrificially, and who have led wisely. When we started, we didn’t know where the journey would lead, but it has been a joy to serve as your senior pastor and see God’s plan unfold. I want to say a special thank you to the remaining members of the steering committee: Abigail Acosta, Pat Brown, Peter McMonigle, and Ellen Milligan. Their faith that led us to step out into the unknown was critical to the start of what has become a beacon to all who desire time-honored worship and
in-depth Bible preaching.

NEXT WEEK: Pastor Keith will continue his sermon series in Matthew. His sermon will be All in All from Matthew 8. Music will be the Legacy Choir with Nancy Matt, piano, and Joy Caldwell, organ.

        11:00 a.m. Great Characters of the Bible, Fellowship Rm
7:00 p.m. Prayer Meeting, Fellowship Room
        6:30 p.m. Great Characters of the Bible, Fellowship Rm
6:30 p.m. Ablaze Fellowship, Youth Loft

LADIES! Today is the last day to sign up in the Connection Room for the Spring Bible Study. Come join the study of the books of Judges (chapters 1- 16) and Ruth. We will be using the Joy of Living Bible Studies. Please check the sign-up sheet for the date, time and place where each group is meeting. Any questions please see Pat Moss or Joan Easley.

Are you grieving the death of a family member or friend? Do you know of someone who has experienced the loss of a loved one?  Join the
GriefShare group beginning Tuesday, March 11 in the fellowship room.
GriefShare is a Christ-centered, informative, supportive and practical program to help and encourage you with your loss.  Come be with a friendly, caring group of people who learn and walk together through the grieving process -- one of life’s most difficult experiences.
Who –   Anyone grieving the loss of a loved one.
When – Tuesdays 1 - 3 pm,  March 11 - May 27                   Call Today      
            Greg Strom  317-257-0152, Karen Reynolds  
            317-501-4859 or Diane Serban   317-453-9873                
Let’s GO working at Cedar Bay Camp from May 11 to 31.
You may join the team anytime at the Cedar Bay Camp & Retreat Center in Michigan’s upper peninsula. Located near Cedarville, MI, Cedar Bay provides year-round camp and retreat events on the north shores of Lake Huron. The ministry is focused on evangelism and discipleship teaching about Christ’s Lordship.  Teams from Legacy have completed work projects there for several years. Legacy men and women of all ages are once again gathering at Cedar Bay Camp for a work project in May.  MANY WORKERS ARE NEEDED.  There are plenty of jobs to be done with major projects being deck rebuilds, sewing cabin curtains, and siding repair.  We invite you to sign up to be a participant on the team. Contact Mike Rosetto (cell phone 574‑360‑9072, if God is calling you to participate. Let’s GO!  PLEASE SIGN UP IN THE CONNECTION ROOM.